AT ONE help active people overcome pain and injury in Northampton. We know how frustrating it can be when pain and injury are taking over your life. As a result, even the simplest of tasks fill you with dread… Simple things like putting your socks on in the morning leave your lower back in a world of pain. Or, feeling worried that your shoulder will hurt when having to pick up your kids. Or, not being able to walk the dog due to that ongoing ankle problem. 

All of these issues are things we believe you shouldn’t have to worry about. Furthermore, you should have trust and faith in your body that it can handle whatever you choose to throw at it. 

Our mission is simple. To guide and restore you to your best self: Active, Happy, Healthy and Mobile.

So, if you feel like;

  • You are sustaining recurrent injuries or niggles from daily life
  • Or your pain has appeared out of the blue
  • Or your body is letting you down after years of sport or competition

AT ONE Northampton can help you. 


Hit the RESET button on your Pain, Injury, Stress or Concerns


Move forward and REBUILD your body how you want it to be. 


REDISCOVER all the things you have stopped doing and enjoy life again

How to Overcome Pain and Injury in Northampton

We understand taking the first step towards finally reclaiming your life back from pain and injury can seem to be a daunting task. It is likely you have been struggling with this issue or issues for months or even years. You may have even lost hope on ever having a ‘normal’ life again. This is why we at AT ONE Northampton have tried to make this process as simple and risk free as possible. 

We have a simple 3 step process to help you overcome your pain on injury. 

1. Discovery Call

Arrange a 5-10 minute chat with a therapist. This will help you decide if we are the right place for you. More importantly, check we can help you achieve what you want.

2. Assessment Session

After deciding we are the right place, we will book your assessment session. This is where we get to the root cause of your problem and map out the steps to take to overcome your pain and injury.

3. Treatment and Rehab

Once we know what to do to get you our of pain we just need to do it! This is where we work together through your Treatment and Rehab plan to achieve the goals from the Assessment session.

Our Principles to Help You Overcome Pain and Injury in Northampton

Assess. Don't guess!

We passionately believe to overcome pain or injury and get true long-lasting relief, you need to get to the ROOT cause of the issue. Without this, everything you do will fall down as you are missing the key piece to the puzzle.

Once we know where you are, it makes getting to your destination so much easier. Imagine trying to plan a route on your sat nav when it doesn’t know where you are OR doesn’t know where you want to be? Impossible! 

In addition to this, we will always be honest with you in terms of what you need and how much help you will need a long the way. We can promise you honest advice, backed up by years of experience helping people in your exact situation achieve the goals they want.

This is why your first session with us, The Assessment Session, is so important. It sets up everything else that follows and allows up to get you the success you want. 

Injury assessment to overcome pain and injury
Injury Treatment to overcome pain and injury

Treating the root problem not the symptom.

From the assessment session we will have identified the areas that we need to work on to get you out of pain. In the subsequent treatment sessions we can focus on these to keep you moving forwards towards your goals. 

This is where our team of therapists will work with you through ‘hands-on’ techniques like massage, manipulation or stretching to get a positive response from the area.

This process will open a window of opportunity to try and cement any changes with an exercise. As a result of this, any pain relief or range of movement gained has a far better chance to be kept after you leave the treatment room. This combination is so powerful as it ensure the relief we get from the treatment transitions through to day-to-day life. 

It drives us crazy when a therapist relies SOLELY on hands-on techniques and expects that to solve all the problems. A massage might make you feel good, but it won’t change anything for the long-term. 

Guide you into a pain free life.

Alongside the treatment aspect, we are passionate believers that exercise prescription is the most important aspect in achieving a pain and injury free life. If you can learn how to effectively control and use your body your chances of injury decrease as does the chance of reinjury. It goes without saying that you cannot completely remove injuries from the world. But, understanding and controlling your body is a key factor in reducing pain and injury. 

This is how we can transition you from pain free movement in the treatment room to confident movement in the real world. As ultimately that is where it matters most. You having the confidence to put on your socks or pick up your kids without worrying about your Back. 

Furthermore, we will spend the time coaching you on how to do the different exercises that will unlock your body again. There is nothing more frustrating than receiving some bog standard exercises on a sheet in the last 5 minutes of a session. So if you have experienced that we can promise you we are the opposite. We care about you and your progress. 

Keeping things clear and you accountable

Finally, before we send you back out into the World we will outline exactly what needs to be done for you to achieve your goals. We want you to be clear on all the steps you will need to take to achieve your dreams of overcoming pain and injury. This allows you to have absolute clarity on what happens next, how long it will take and how many sessions we will need. 

Additionally, we will send you all the links for the exercises you need directly to your phone so you can be reminded of what you need to do when at home.  We have taken away the stress of having to remember everything. Instead, you can just click on the link and watch exactly how to perform the exercise. This allows you to be rest assured you are doing everything correctly and will be moving forwards towards your goals. Furthermore we can add tracking to your programme so we can both track how consistent you are with doing your exercises. This can be a game changer for your recovery as consistency breeds success and this is what allows change to last a lifetime. 

Keeping you accountable


  • No more guesswork on Google trying to work out what the problem is
  • No more time or money being wasted on treating symptoms over and over again
  • No more relying on out-dated treatments 
  • No more relying solely on massage, taping or ‘Cracking’
Simple, honest and actionable advice to get you to where you want to be. 

Common Pain and Injury points we see

Neck Pain
Neck and Upper Back
Shoulder and Elbow pain
Shoulder and Elbow
Back Pain Northampton
Lower Back and Hip
knee injury
Ankle Injury
Pre or post surgery Rehabilitation
Pre- and Post Op

Benefits of AT ONE

  • Honest advice and guidance about your aches, pains or worries
  • Finding the ROOT cause of your problem
  • A clear plan to get you from where you are to where you want to be
  • Evidence based assessment, treatment and rehabilitation protocols
  • Empowering you to move, move well and move often! 
  • Build positive habits to improve your quality of life
Inside of AT ONE treatment room

Your Independent Health and Wellness Clinic

AT ONE Northampton understand you want to live an active and healthy lifestyle.
In order to do that you need to be able to move without restriction and handle the stresses that life throws at you. 
The problem is your pain makes you feel anxious or worried about doing the things you need and want to do in your everyday life.

We believe no person should have to suffer in pain or rely on medication. We understand it can be frustrating or affect your energy and mood. This is why we find the true cause of your problem for long-lasting relief as we have done with thousands of people across Northamptonshire.


Our service and reputation mean a lot to us. We want to offer the best service we can whilst remaining affordable to allow those who need help, get it. We offer a pay as you go price and package options to allow us to save you some money if we can!
Our first session assessment price is £75, packages can then be used for subsequent sessions. Discount can only be applied with full payment up front.


Per Session


Per Session


Per Session


Per Session

Speak to a Therapist

If you are unsure where best to start, we recommend speaking to a member of the team. If you fill in the form below, we will reach out to you to find out a bit more about you and your current problems and how we can help. Its that simple – no obligation just a friendly chat to see if we are the place for you. 

Please tell us where your current issue is