Back Pain Northampton

Do you find yourself going round in circles with your Back Pain?

Tired of waking up each day feeling stiff and uncomfortable? 

How would your life look and feel if you didn't have Back pain any more?

Let our team in Northampton help.

AT ONE specialise in helping active minded people overcome Back Pain in Northampton.

Whether it is a sharp stabbing pain, Sciatic pains down the leg or a loss of confidence when trying to do ‘normal’ activities, we are here for you. 

All too often we see people who think ‘it’ll just get better tomorrow’ but it has been 6 months now that tomorrow is not coming! Worse still, you may even resign yourself to thinking ‘this is something I will have to live with forever!’. It is very likely that is not the case. Our aim is to put an end to this way of thinking and show you a better path. 

So, if you are;

  • Concerned about your current back pain
  • Worried about becoming reliant on pain medication or trips to the doctor
  • Questioning your long-term back health

We can help you to get back to your best; Active, Happy, Healthy and Mobile. 

What is the path to overcome Back pain in Northampton?

Discovery Call

Arrange a 5-10 minute chat with a therapist. This will help you decide if we are the right place for you. And, more importantly, to check we can help you achieve what you want.

Assessment Session

After deciding we are right for you, we will book your first session to assess your back. This is where we get to the root cause of your problem and map what you need to do.

Treatment & Rehab

Once we know what to do to help you with your Back, we just need to do it! From here we work together through your Treatment and Rehab plan to achieve your goals set in the assessment.

A Common Journey For Back Pain...

It is all to easy to think ‘oh it will go away tomorrow’ but what happens when you find yourself saying this every day? What do you do when it’s not just ‘oh, I must’ve slept awkwardly’ …again! If you are struggling with pain, it doesn’t necessarily mean you have damaged or injured something but it does mean, at this point in time, that something isn’t quite right. If this is how you feel, then you’re in the right place.

The key to fixing your lower back is to first understand why. Most people like yourself who struggle with their back may sometimes feel like everything is confusing, you hear lots of advice and it all seems to conflict with each other. We aim to clear this clutter and put the focus on YOU and getting YOU ‘back to normal’. At the end of the day, that is all that really matters, getting you back doing what you love. Whether that is time in the garden with family, playing with the kids or back into sporting life, the AT ONE team will help get you there.

What are your options?

Now if you have read this far, you might be assessing your options regarding your back pain/problem. In our experience you have a few options;

  1. Hope that it goes away all by itself and then live in fear of it coming back…
  2. Reach for the painkillers, ibuprofen gel or the beloved deep heat and struggle on…
  3. Visit your local GP, demand a scan or appointment to see an NHS specialist and become part of a never ending waiting list….
  4. Let us see how we can help you, just like we have helped hundreds of people across Northamptonshire, who were once at this precise point in time, sitting exactly where you are, experiencing exactly what you are right now.

Whatever you decide, just make sure you take action. What we will say however, is if you’ve already tried options 1, 2 and 3 without success, really you only have one viable option remaining… 

Pain and Injury Northampton

How do AT ONE Northampton go about sorting your Back pain?

We start with you

The most important thing to start with is finding out more about you. We will begin by taking an accurate history on what previous injuries you have had, things and sports you like to do or have done in the past, events which happened in and around the time of your back pain starting and what you have tried/done since this time.  All of this information allows us to really understand part of the reason WHY you may be experiencing this issue now. We will also talk about how this issue is affecting you, whats things in life are you missing out on, what things you need to be able to do day to day and what things you want to be able to do in the future. This will help us establish goals and a path to get you to them.

Work out where you are right now

Once we have this we will conduct a physical examination with you to understand how you are currently moving and dealing with the problem. You will be amazed at the intricate way the brain can hide things from us like strength difference and ways it ‘compensates’ to prevent things from hurting.  This will allows us to build an accurate picture of your current movement habits and highlight anything we may need to alter to help reduce the pain and or improve your performance. 

Explain the issue in simple language

After this is complete we will have a very good idea on what is going ‘wrong’ so we will be able to sit back down and explain to you in easy-to-understand terms what the problem is, what you need to be doing and what needs to happen for you to be able to achieve your goals. 

Now we have everything outlined, we can start sorting the problem out! This may consist of hands on work like massage or stretching but most of the time it will be teaching you how you can deal with the problem yourself. We will show you exercises or strategies to help you achieve your day to day needs without making the pain worse and helping it to get better.

It's all about you

Ultimately, you are the key to ‘fixing’ this problem. We are your guides along the way to make sure you get to exactly where you want to get to and don’t get hurt along the way. This isn’t to over simplify our input, it will be life changing for you but it is also simple. We want to impact your time as little as possible whilst making the biggest impact in helping you. So it comes back to you to work through the home plan and get the results you want. 

Running pain Free

Lets look at Back pain in more detail...

If you are struggling with your  back right now you are likely to have one (or a few) of the ‘common’ issues listed below;

    • Struggling to put on your shoes
    • Pain or Stiffness when getting up in the morning
    • Pain after sitting on the sofa or driving
    • Pain, tingling or numbness radiating around the bum and down the leg to your foot (Sciatica Symptoms)
    • Weakness through the legs
    • Achiness in the back after activity
    • Discomfort as the day goes on.
    • The list could go on almost endlessly. 

It is important for you to recognise, you are not alone with your back problems. Most of us are affected in our lifetimes, over 85% in fact! Back pain and problems are one of the most common issues we treat.  it is also really important to note it is very unlikely that you are doing anything ‘wrong’. Our Brains and bodies are very clever bits of kit and most of the time they are trying to keep us safe. Sometimes, they just do it in a way that is painful … literally. So please don’t panic. Whether you have had this pain for a week, month or year there is always something you can do to help reduce the pain or discomfort. 

Why is this happening to you?

Another question we get asked a lot is WHY does it happen. There are a whole host of reasons a quick search online will list some of the following:

Mechanical/Structural Problem

    • Sprain: an injury to the ligaments that support the Spine (which connect the different bones together), often occurring from twisting or lifting improperly.
    • Strain: an injury to a muscle or tendon.
    • Degenerative disc disease: aging causes the discs between the vertebrae of the spine to break down. It is associated with other degenerative changes in the spine, such as arthritis or spinal stenosis.
    • Herniated or ruptured discs: an event causing a disc to compress and irritate nearby nerves. This often occurs at the lumbar level but can be present in the cervical spine as well.
    • Spondylolisthesis: a vertebra in the spine slips out of place or gradually moves out of alignment.
    • Spinal stenosis: a narrowing of the spinal canal that puts pressure on the spinal cord and nerves.
    • Fractured vertebrae.
    • Scoliosis or other congenital changes to the spine.
    • Myofascial pain: tightness and pain of the muscles supporting the spine due to damage to the muscles or a result of the nerve input to the muscles coming from the spine.

Inflammatory Conditions

    • Ankylosing spondylitis, a specific type of arthritis of the spine.
    • Other types of inflammatory arthritis of the spine.

Other Medical Conditions

    • Osteoporosis, which can lead to painful fractures of the vertebrae.
    • Fibromyalgia, a condition of widespread muscle pain and fatigue.
    • Kidney stones or infections.
    • Endometriosis, which is the buildup of uterine tissue in places outside the uterus.
    • Infections that involve the bones of the spine or the discs between these bones, which can cause back pain.
    • Tumors, in rare cases, that develop on the spine or other areas of the back.
    • Pregnancy.

List taken from (

Please don’t panic. We just wanted to show you a variety of reasons. You may have one, many or NONE. The key thing for us is it doesn’t really matter what it is labelled as. You are in pain or struggling to do the things you want, so it needs to be sorted. We need to reverse this trend and get you some enjoyment back into your life. 

Speak to the team

If you are unsure where best to start, we recommend speaking to a member of the team. If you fill in the form below, we will reach out to you to find out a bit more about you and your current problems and how we can help. Its that simple – no obligation just a friendly chat to see if we are the place for you. 

Please tell us where your current issue is